Yes indeedy! The doily is done!!!! And it's only 8 days late. Hallelujah!!!
The pattern is the Crochet Along Hearts Doily.
I cannot tell you how many times I frogged this baby. I must be a really tight kinda person, cuz this ended up about 2 inches smaller than the pattern indicated, and I used a 1 size up larger hook.
Anybody wanna rejoice and do a happy dance with me?
Wow, that is gorgeous. I love the red in the design, really makes it pop! Great job.
It's too beautiful! Did I mention April 7th? A light rose or a cream color would look good in the cottage, don't you think? ;-)
Crochet Cottage
Hey...I'll dance....that is gorgeous!!!! I love the hearts in the middle.
It's beautiful. I've been craving to make some thread projects lately, that must surely mean it's almost spring and time for hotter weather and snowmelting time.
Hello Deb
just wanted to comment that your doily is absolutely stunning, and being a newbie crocheter I cant wait till I can do something as pretty as this.
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