Saturday, September 17, 2005

Oops, I Did It Again

Yeah I did. I've gone and made myself another doily! I've turned into my grandmother.


Anonymous said...

lol I do that too. There always seems to be a reason for making another one...but somehow only half of them end up in use.

Anna said...

It's beautiful!

Kimberly said...

Great job on your doily! It looks great! My father accuses me of turning into his great-grandmother whom he remembers crocheting doilies when he was a wee lad!

Kimberly said...
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Rebecca said...

it's beautiful! truthfully - is being your grandmother all that bad? ;)

Suburban Hooker said...

Great Doily!!!!! I bet your grandmother would be proud!!!!!

Deb said...

Rebecca, It actually wouldn't be bad! My grandmother was an awesome lady, more like the mom I needed.

LadyLinoleum said...

It's a nice one! I love doilies. Keep 'em coming...